Thursday, April 3, 2008

Life update

I am behind on posting for a combination of reasons. One, had a molar pulled (aren't I too young for that?); two, went to Kentucky for Daniel's boot camp graduation (Luca on a plane at 2 1/2 months was an experience!); and three, I love holding my little boy so much my hands aren't free a whole lot (I get lazy when I do have a free moment). Regarding number three, I am finally putting Luca in a crib and trying to put him in it for naps and bed time. I am not always successful. Last night, for ex., he slept with Jake and me. Jake said he likes to hear Luca breathe because it is cute and he likes spending time watching TV in bed with me (we don't have much time together otherwise). When I put Luca to bed in his room at night it seems to take forever! Everytime I think he's asleep, he wakes back up. We also have a problem because Luca WILL NOT take the bottle or pacifier. That's right, you guessed it, I am both the feeder and the comforter. This just started about three weeks ago when I had my tooth pulled. Everything I have read said that until babys are four months old you can't spoil them because they don't understand, and that they aren't capable of "pulling it together" on their own to fall asleep. Welp, that will be in three more weeks. Things are going to change! Of course, I talk big, but then I look at that amazing, precious little guy and my heart melts. I still tear up when I look at him. I have so much love for Luca that even I am surprised. I do need to get him to take the bottle soon, however, because I got a job teaching childbirth classes and there is LOTS of training required to become certified. I also want to become a licensed doula. I need Jake to be able to help out! He tries, but just physically can't fulfill all of Luca's desires. I told Jake that his son is just like him-stubborn. Gotta love 'em both, I guess! I have two new people that commented on my blog-Darcy and the Walkers. I am so happy to have friends to add to my list!! To my other friends- you can join anytime! Or at least comment once in awhile! Love you all!


Adri said...

That's cool, Erin, about you teaching childbirth classes. You would be really good at that. Keep the cute pictures coming!