Monday, November 12, 2007

Jake's surprise bday party

Aubrey and I tried surprising Dad for his bday. Jake is always very thoughtful and does little surprises for us all the time, but we have yet to really surprise him. This time we almost did it! Jake didn't know until about an hour before we were to leave. If Jake didn't ask so many question it would've worked, too. Jake was quite spoiled this bday. For those of you who don't know, we have bday week, invented by none other than Jake himself. Whether it be a little treat, a nice back rub, or cleaning the bathrooms (one of my past requests), we each get something each day leading up to our bdays. It is a swell tradition. I added these two pictures separate from the slide show because I wanted to explain what is happening here. Jake was teaching Takara how to give wet willies and poor Mom was the target. Sorry, Haley! We had a lot of fun. I hope the music with the slide show isn't annoying to anyone. I just figured out how to do the slide show this morning and felt like experimenting. I messed the blog up when I tried adding words to the slide show, so I still have some learning to do. I figured it works fine to add the description to this blog entry this time. We missed all of our family that doesn't live in town. Of course, if all of you came there would be no way to fit us all in! Love you guys!